Monday, 30 January 2012

".. and are you a Shoppers Optimum Card holder?"

Lets face it.. we've all been asked the fixed question, "do you have a ________ card?".

From Shoppers Drugmart, to Chapters- it seems as if every company has a rewards program these days, and its hard to differentiate from the good ones, and the bad ones.

Loyalty reward cards DO have the potential to save you money, IF you know how to use them. Most companies reward with such diminutive amounts of points that it seems as if it takes a lifetime to earn $5, however if you shop on the right days, and for the right products- rewards cards will pay off.

For Example, Shoppers Drugmart's Optimum card works like this,

At 10 points per dollar, It would take you about $1500 to save $25. However, if you shop on a 20X the points day, it will only cost you $75 to earn $25- Now thats a deal!


  1. Hey, some great information you got there. I used to work for Shoppers and many people came in with hundreds of thousands of points, sometimes with monetary value of over 500$. Each time I asked how long it took them to collect, the answer was always within a 6 month to 1 year range due to the 20x the points days, as you have already mentioned. However, I do not think that there are good or bad loyalty programs. In my opinion, they are all "good" because we benefit from each of them. Some are more profitable than others, however they all offer different rewards which makes each one unique and worthwhile. Great blog layout by the way!

  2. Hey, yes I like your blog layout too.

    I'm also into the whole redeemable points cards, so I like the info you've provided. Shoppers Drugmart is one of my favourites but it does take some time to build up the points, at least for me.
    No matter how much I try to wait for the 20x offer, I end up losing my patience and just go and purchase what I want. I guess if I could get a grip on my purchasing impulses, I'd do better with building up my points.

    Although I noticed that women in general are more into the whole points and saving the extra dollar thing, compared to men. I'm not being gender prejudice or anything, it's just something I noticed.

    And also, the points cards positively help to lure me to buy from a company that offers it compared to one that doesn't. So it's a win win situation.

    I hope in your next posts you can introduce us to more loyalty programs that incorporate the "wow" factor as Shoppers' :)
    -Ahlam Qureshi

  3. Loyalty cards are great to have but sometimes you forget about them. I also find that you manage to sign up for a lot of them but ay only use it once. I agree that it does seem like a lifetime to save up a lot of points. I think it’s more of the satisfaction you get when you walk into the store and use all your points to buy $200 worth of stuff. You don’t really consider how much you have actually spent to get that free purchase.

  4. hey, you got a good information about optimum cards but they have to be used smartly. Nice overview reflects from your blog.
