Wednesday 7 March 2012

Saying Goodbye

According to over 70% of customers who sign up for a rewards card lose interest in at least one program they signed up for.

3 ways to keep your customers interested in your program:

1. Keep your reward levels realistic and achievable!
It is important to have practical reward levels so that it does not take your customers years to reach a reward level.

2. Dont treat all your card members the same!
Use data-mining to observe different shopping patterns of individual customers and segment them so that Joe isnt offered the same rewards as Judy. Maybe Joe wants a new sports magazine, where as Judy wants some new lipstick.

3. Re-ingage inactive customers!
Contact customers that haven't used their card in a while, and ask them why. Once you hear their concern, entice them to return to your store by offering them certain incentives.


  1. I would agree with the the statistic you have posted at the top there. I have a few loyalty cards that I do not always carry with me and then end up losing on the savings it would have provided me if I had it on me. I think it is always a good idea when the company or store has your name in its system that way if you do forget the card you can still get the rewards and savings

  2. i also too agree with the statistic you have posted. i had a few problems before in the past with these cards

  3. I too have signed up for several the customer loyalty programs and rarely ever use them. I find that most companies do not follow the 3 steps you listed, however if they did then I would be much more inclined to use them!
